eRA Adventskalender Türchen 9: Empower FAIR research data management for agricultural research and beyond
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Wir beginnen die Woche mit einer weiteren Präsentation von der Konferenz FDM@Campus in unserem Adventskalender:
Empower FAIR research data management for agricultural research and beyond – Anne Sennhenn, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy
FAIRagro is a community-driven initiative within the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) and focuses on the agrosystem domain needed to develop sustainable crop production and agroecosystems. The initiative focuses on creating, publishing, and accessing relevant data, developing scalable research data infrastructure, and offering innovative RDM services as part of the NFDI. Promoting a cultural shift towards FAIR data management practices is essential to its success. Therefore, a key objective of FAIRagro is to empower the agricultural community by building infrastructures and services tailored to their needs. Insights on how to achieve these goals and the importance of NFDI consortia in advancing FAIR data management within the research landscape will be shared.