Data and Information Security
- How can I as researcher at the Göttingen Campus store my data securely?
- What do I need to ensure GDPR compliance of my research data?
- How can I conduct an online survey and ensure data security?
On this page you find links to more information from campus institutions and partners regarding Data and Information security topics, as well as contacts from responsible persons. You might also find answers in the slides (in German) from our regular Info event on „Legal Aspects in Data Management“.
If you are looking for specific advice or a contact from your institute or discipline, we can assist you in finding the responsible person. If you have information which you think should be linked on this page, please also get in touch with us.
Webpages on Data and Information Security
- GWDG IT security overview on topics such as Authentication, Phishing, Viruses and Office Macros etc.
- GWDG storage services overview including data security information for each service on the subpages
Göttingen University
- IT security pages of Göttingen University with information on events regarding basic IT security measures and the University Information Security Guideline
- Data protection pages of Göttingen University with information on software vulnerabilities and data protection best practices
- Self-learning course on data security by the SUB Göttingen (only in German)
University Medical Center
Max-Planck-Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences
Responsible persons at the Göttingen Campus
Göttingen University
- Information security officer: Dr. Holger Beck
- Data protection officer: Prof. Andreas Wiebe
- Deputy data protection officer: Florian Hallaschka
- Data Protection Officer for the Student Body: Sergio Perez
University Medical Center
- UMG Data Protection Officer: Florian Gottschalk