
15/02/2022: eResearch Lab on GRO.geomapper

Hereby the Göttingen eResearch Alliance announces the eResearch Lab event: GeoMapper – a new tool for displaying geospatial data from

Date: February 15, 2022
Time: 10:00 – 11:30

Topic: Visualization of geospatial data with GRO.geomapper
Lecturer: Claudia Malzer
Language: English

Description: GRO.geomapper is a Web application for visualizing geospatial data. It has been developed as an add-on for, the research data repository of Göttingen Campus. Supported file types are GeoTiffs, GeoJSON, shapefiles, KML, and CSV tables with latitude/longitude coordinates. GeoMapper can be accessed directly from within when accessing a supported geospatial file. In addition, it provides its own search interface for and also allows users to load geospatial files from their local computer.

In this lab, we will present and demonstrate GeoMapper. We will also discuss features planned for the future and participants are welcome to ask questions or contribute their own ideas for future enhancements.

Please spread the word and inform interested colleagues. We are looking forward to seeing you.


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