Research Data Repository is the general purpose research data repository for the Göttingen Campus. Researchers belonging to Göttingen Campus institutions can use it for free. serves various purposes such as:

  • to simply store and preserve datasets
  • to keep track of changes across several versions
  • to share data with colleagues
  • to make data itself publicly available
  • to receive a persistent identifier upon publication of data

Who can use it?

Researchers from the Göttingen Campus can use their institutional account to log in, create a personal space (“Dataverse”) and upload files into “Datasets” therein. They can then grant access to these files to selected researchers or groups, or publish the dataset and receive a DOI for their data to be used e.g. for citation purposes. If you have an ORCID iD, your data can also automatically be added to your ORCID record.

Technical Details is based on the open source tool Dataverse. It has been adapted by the Göttingen eResearch Alliance to integrate well with the local infrastructure and allow access via Single Sign-On, i.e. with your GWDG account. The service is hosted by the GWDG, which takes care of data security and safety, including backups and access control as well as availability and reliability of the service.

Usage and Support is a general purpose repository for the Göttingen Campus. If you know of domain-specific repositories for your discipline and want your data to be easily found by your research community, we recommend to directly upload your data there. You can find discipline-specific repositories for your purposes for example at re3data.

You can however also first store your data in and later export them to other repositories such as DARIAH-Rep or zenodo. We are working on providing more interfaces to other data repositories. If you are uncertain about which repository to use, or if you have questions on, contact the Göttingen eResearch Alliance – we will be glad to assist you.

The repository offers a variety of discipline-specific metadata sets to be selected for describing your data in order to make it findable and reusable, and a customizable access permission system to ensure that you retain full control over your research data. is available free-of-charge to all researchers of the Göttingen Campus. If your research data is extraordinary in size or complex in its structure, please contact the team of the Göttingen eResearch Alliance to discuss if your data calls for a customized solution.

The service can be used with any Göttingen Campus related email address (university, MPI or GWDG email addresses). If you don’t have such email address, you can create one at account registration. If you have other questions, you can contact the service administrator via the contact form at or via email

For more information you could also visit the FAQ pad.

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