#semesterhack: Online-Hackathon for summer semester

The summer semester 2020 will be held digitally. What are the implications for lecturers, students, university staff and the entire system of higher education? In the shortest time possible, urgent challenges such as the digitisation of analogue lectures, the implementation of digital exams or the replacement of scheduled international mobilities have to be addressed.

Inspired by the Corona-Hackathon of the federal government, the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung is organising a hackathon for shaping the summer semester under the current circumstances. For Göttingen university, the hackathon is jointly organised by the AStA, the student-based Forum Digitalisierung (in the course of formation) and the nationwide Hochschulforum Digitalisierung. The hackathon will rum under the patronage of  Prof. Andrea Dorothea Bührmann (vice president for studies, teaching and equality and diversity) and Prof. Norbert Lossau (vice president for digital transformation and infrastructure).

The hackathon will take place online on May 6-7. For this hackathon experts are wanted to propose ideas for challenges and/or assisting the participants in the course of the hackathon as consultants. The latter can consist of general advice or seeing them through their challenge.

The organizers request a prompt indication (ideally until April 28) regarding the general willingness of participation or providing ideas, and until April 30 with concrete ideas for challenges.

Further information can be found here: https://hochschulforumdigitalisierung.de/de/online-hackathon (only in German).

All questions regarding Göttingen-specific challenge ideas should be sent to: digitalchangemaker@uni-goettingen.de

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