Newsletter Publishing at the Göttingen Campus

As emphasized in the recent statements from the presidency in UniNews 11.1 dated November 3, 2023, regarding Predatory Publishing and the MDPI publishing house, the topics of Publishing and Open Access hold significant importance at the University of Göttingen.

In this context, we are pleased to inform you that the Electronic Publishing Group at SUB Göttingen is now launching a new newsletter on the subject of Publishing. This newsletter will address both general and specific aspects of publishing, shed light on current discussions and challenges, and provide information on the financing possibilities of various publication routes. Additionally, it will feature event announcements and selected topics on Open Science and Open Access.

The newsletter is intended for all members of the University of Göttingen who engage in publishing, act as editors, maintain publication lists, or serve as multipliers in their respective departments.

To receive regular updates on new issues, please subscribe here: [Link to subscription] (Automatic delivery is exclusively for subscribers!)

Approximately eight issues are planned per year. You can already view the first issue here: [Link to the first issue]

For feedback, topic suggestions, or guest contributions, please feel free to contact the editorial team at

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